“We are what we think”
Welcome to the ‘All in the Mind’ workshop information and booking page
Why does IQ fall under pressure? How is decision making and judgement affected by stress? Why do we think and behave differently? ‘All in the Mind’ explores what happens to the mind and body under stress and what we can do about it. Using the latest discoveries from science, medicine and psychology we introduce surprising ways to feel better and live better and learn how to maximise the power of the mind in a demanding world. The workshop is entertaining and engaging and there’s a reason why it’s 45 minutes long – come and find out why!
The Workshops
⦁ Thursday 31 January 2019. The workshops will start at 1200 and 1315 – duration 45 minutes. Choose the time that’s best for you and book below.
⦁ They will be delivered in the Council Chamber. You can ‘walk in’ on the day, but it will help us alot if you can indicate your interest in attending by booking a place now.
⦁ If you can get there 5 minutes before that’s great. If you’ve been delayed please still feel free to join us at any time – we’ll be happy to see you.
Helpful hints for booking
⦁ When ready to book click on ‘Book Appointment’ below at your preferred time and follow the prompts.
⦁ When registering for the first time please be careful to enter your email address correctly.
⦁ When you have booked you will receive an acknowledgement email. If you don’t this is almost always because an email address has been entered incorrectly. Your appointment will still have registered on our system so email us at help@stressbusters.co.uk from a correct email address with your name and appointment time and we’ll sort it out.
⦁ If you book for someone else please make sure you have refreshed the browser and logged on in their name – otherwise your name will show for both appointments.
⦁ If you’ve already booked and need to make some changes Press Ctrl + Click here to get to your account.
⦁ To go back to the Schedule and List of Events Press Ctrl + Click here
⦁ If you have any questions you can email our helpline on help@stressbusters.co.uk
Look forward to seeing you there!